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Thank you for all you do!

As the school year draws to a close, all of us at NYSUT want to thank you for your tremendous dedication. It’s been a challenging year — but through it all, you've stood strong and persevered. Over and over, you've shown how public schools are the place where students, parents and educators come together as a community.

U.S. Supreme Court hands down landmark cases

This week, the Supreme Court handed down multiple decisions that will touch the lives of millions of Americans. Earlier this week, in Carson v. Makin, the court laid the groundwork that states must provide publ


Union wins APPR reprieve

Gov. Kathy Hochul Friday signed a bill suspending, for an additional year, the Annual Professional Performance Review process. Advanced through grassroots advocacy from NYSUT members and lobbying by union legislative staff, the bill recently passed both the state Senate and the Assembly.

“As we come to the end of another school year that has been anything but normal, we welcome the governor’s decision to suspend the APPR process for another year,” said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. “We will continue working with the legislature and the governor to address the APPR


RA 2022 celebrates 50 years, and plans for future

“We stand on the shoulders of giants!” said President Andy Pallotta in his address to more than 1,300 delegates as he kicked off the 50th annual NYSUT Representative Assembly at the Albany Capital Center. It was a weekend for delegates to celebrate the history and look to the future. Attendees acted on dozens of resolutions to set a course for action, including a move to support Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invasion. Gov. Hochul, Comptroller DiNapoli, AG Tish James and more special guests inspired the gathering. Go to


Livestream program commemorates Black History Month

NYSUT’s Many Threads, One Fabric social justice initiative presented an online event this week to mark Black History Month. Hosted by Secretary-Treasurer Philippe Abraham, it focused on the unique struggles underrepresented groups face with regard to mental health and wellness in the United States. Other highlights included award presentations to BHM honorees, testimonials from NYSUT members and artistic expressions from students and community partners.

Take action! Urge


Below are the SSEU Officers as of July 1, 2018. Please join us in welcoming them!

President: David Hayes

Executive Vice President: Mark Kolakowski

Vice President: Steve Fisher

Secretary: Stacey Revette

Treasurer: Kathleen Cantrell

Executive Committee: Bart Grimsley, Deb Saturno, Tiffeny Scott, Barb Smith

Building Reps: Elementary School - Mike Vecchio, High School - Jeff Harris, Middle School - Steve Darrow, Transportation - Chuck Paquette


The All District Holiday Party is being held on Friday, December 8, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Tyrol Club.  SSEU is offering it's members $10.00 towards the cost of attending. This will lower your out of pocket expense from $20.00 to $10.00. If you plan to go, please indicate on your form that you are an SSEU member and SSEU will submit a check to Kim Shambaugh (STA) to cover the additional $10.00.  Holidays are a time to come together and celebrate! We hope to see you there! 


SRP Fall Fling is October 19th.

Click on the link for registration information!


We are working hard to make this site your go-to place for all union related material.

The information we will post includes (but is not limited to): meeting notices, events calendar, and AFT/NYSUT articles. We welcome your input, so please let Stacey Revette know if you would like to see anything additional. We will try our best to update this page in a timely fashion.